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DevBlog 08

On Game Character Design: Bringing The Blues to Our Blockchain Game

Nearly Friendly Tribes is an upcoming FPS game that we have been developing and perfecting over the past few months. As we work towards launching the game, we recognize the need for a diverse and interesting cast of characters for our players to enjoy. This has led us to start designing new characters, each with their unique vibe and style. We are excited to announce that our latest addition to the game is the Blues character.

The Blues character is inspired by the legendary Blues Brothers Band and the film noir style, bringing a classic and unique vibe to the Nearly Friendly Tribes game. We spent hours crafting the Blues character design and making sure they stood out from other tribe characters. The Blues character comes with a fedora hat and a suit that are reminiscent of the 1940s era, embodying the essence of the film noir style. Instead of a mustache that is reminiscent of the Blues Brothers themselves, the Blues character has a pair of stylish shades, which adds to the character’s cool and mysterious persona.

As we worked on the design of the Blues character, we wanted to make sure that they would be a great addition to the game’s existing cast of characters. We drew inspiration from the iconic Blues Brothers Band, known for their soulful music and their sharp, dapper style, which became transversal to other entertainment industries, mainly the film industry with the “Blues Brothers” film and also the gaming industry with “The Blues Brothers” game. The Blues Brothers Band were famous for their fedoras and suits, which became a staple of their image, and we wanted to bring that same energy to the Blues Tribe.

To capture the essence of film noir, we also paid close attention to the details of the Blues character’s suit. We wanted to make sure that it looked like it had been taken straight out of a classic detective movie. The suit has a sharp, tailored look, and the fedora hat adds to the character’s air of mystery.

Blues tribe is more than just a new character, they are a tribute to a bygone era of music and film. We hope that the addition of the Jazz tribe to our game will inspire players to explore the rich history of blues music and film noir. We can’t wait for players to see the Blues tribe in action, and we are excited to see how they will fit into the game’s gameplay mechanics.

We are still working on adding the finishing touches to the Blues character, including animations and gameplay mechanics. We want to make sure that the Blues character is not only a stylish one but also a formidable one in the game. Stay tuned for future updates as we continue to develop and refine the character of the Blues Tribe.

Overall, we’re very proud of the work that went into creating Blues’ character design. We believe that they will quickly become fan favorites due to their unique and stylish appearance, and we can’t wait for players to see them in action in Nearly Friendly Tribes!

Would you like to be among the first to play with the Blues tribe? Join our Discord and Telegram channels to stay up-to-date.